This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about GAnSO and their answers.


Q: What formats does Ganso take in and put out?

A: At this moment GAnSO is able to read PPM and PNG files, last ones with
full alpha channel support. Work is being done in using some library, maybe
gdk-pixbuf, to load more formats.

And it can produce any video format wich has a GAnSO associated codec. By
default you can only write MPEG-1 files, but check out the GAnSO homepage at to find more codecs.


Q: I have just downloaded ganso source package and unarchived it. How do I
install it?

A: Read the INSTALL file, it contains all the information needed to compile
and install.


Q: Some items on the menu doesn't work, what happens?

A: Not all the interface is implemented yet, there can be some functions on
the interface that does nothing.


Q: I've started the pattern template, filled in all the information, but
after creating the stream, no one image is in the project tree...

A: GAnSO won't add any image to the project that isn't available. All the
image files that you add to your project must exist.